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I have always been interested in the theory and history of architecture and the built environment, particularly since my research became more focussed on the urban. I am fascinated by…
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As an architectural student I started keeping logbooks. These were a kind of developed sketchbook which included design ideas and my research notes. I developed them into a series of…
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During the first coronavirus lockdown in the Netherlands in 2018, I learned how to watercolour from watching YouTube tutorials. My interest is, as it always has been, cities and buildings.…
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As a teacher I believe in facilitating students to think for themselves. I encourage them to be bold and take risks in their research and design work – the university is a safe space for experimentation and students should try to be as imaginative as possible, especially as professional life may not always allow for such scope later on. I am involved in a number of courses at master’s and bachelor’s level in TU Delft (I also supervise PhDs).

Some of my courses are

  • History and Theory of Urbanism
  • Academic Skills Module (part of Graduation Orientation)
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Globalization Studio: Greater Bay Area, China.
  • Stand en Openbare Ruimte
  • Academische Vaardigheden